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Happy Little Helper

📚Perfect way to teach your kids about RESPONSIBILITY 📚

An interactive book with tons of development benefits for your little one 

A young girl named Georgie loves to help with different tasks or activities around the house.

In this book:
💡 She demonstrates the value of responsibility at an early age
✏️ The book also has some post reading activities.

✅ The book is suitable for children ages 3 - 5, or early readers.
✅ The book is also suitable for ESL learners.

❗It is recommended that this book is purchased along with Mimi's children book series; including 'Ella and Bella's World' and 'Tim's Time'.


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Happy Little Helper

Ella and Bella's World

📚Perfect way to teach your kids about COURTESY and RESPONSIBILITY 📚

An interactive book with tons of development benefits for your little one 

👯‍♀️ Ella and Bella's World is a story of twins Ella and Bella who do a lot of things together. 👯‍♀️

🌳Whether indoors or outdoors, the twins practice love, respect and care for one another. They serve as good role models for other children.

There are post-reading activities at the end of the book to help your kid understand the concepts of learning introduced in the story.

✅The book is suitable for children ages 3 - 5, or early readers.
✅The book is also suitable for ESL learners.

❗It is recommended that this book is purchased along with Mimi's children book series; including 'Tim's Time' and 'Happy Little Helper'.


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Ella and Bella's World

Tim's Time

📚Perfect way to teach your kids about INDEPENDENCE and RESPONSIBILITY 📚

An interactive book with tons of development benefits for your little one 

Little Tim is young boy beginning to develop good habits at home.

In this book:
💡Tim sets himself to do routines
💬Tim practices the values of responsibility, organization and discipline
👪Tim is a good role model for other childreN

There are post-reading activities at the end of the book to help your kid understand the concepts of learning introduced in the story.

✅The book is suitable for children ages 3 - 5, or early readers.
✅The book is also suitable for ESL learners.

❗It is recommended that this book is purchased along with Mimi's children book series; including 'Ella and Bella's World' and 'Happy Little Helper'.


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Tim's Time

Children's Book



📚Perfect way to teach your kids about INDEPENDENCE, COURTESY and RESPONSIBILITY 📚

A THREE-PART interactive book series with tons of development benefits for your little one 

This set includes:

  • Happy Little Helper

  • Ella and Bella's World

  • Tim's Time

✅These books are suitable for children ages 3 - 5, or early readers.
✅These books are suitable for ESL learners.

SAVE 10% off if you buy this package!


Children's Book Package

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if you buy all THREE books!

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Children's Book Package!

get all three books for a discounted price

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Ella and Bella's World

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Happy Little Helper

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